Membership Application.

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Required by Australian Sailing
For registered owners, authorized skippers, crew.
An A.S. number will be generated when logging on for the first time. You will then be covered by A.S. insurance.
Enter Name and Date of Birth so that they can be easily registered and covered by A/S insurance when on board during an event.
Mobile and/or Home
Contact Authorisation
This number is very useful as an alternative to VHF contact with boats during events or if VHF contact is lost and thereby enhances safety.
I Apply for Membership with the Newport Cruising Yacht Club Inc for the year 2024/2025 and agree to be bound by the Club's rules and bylaws upon acceptance of my application. (When this form is submitted, and the appropriate fee paid, the application will be reviewed by the NCYC committee and you will be notified of the result by the membership registrar. If your application is not accepted, a full refund will be issued.)
New Membership applications must nominate a Proposer and Seconder who are both Ordinary Members
Membership Categories
Only Full Members (Ordinary) have voting rights. Our fees are prorated after March each year. Submit our Membership Inquiry Form and request the current fee.
Associate Membership - Non racing members wanting to participate in our social events, added to our email list.
$11 (under 18)
$11 (under 18)
New Members: enter Full Member's name - Don't know anyone: enter Need Introduction
New Members: enter Full Member's name - Don't know anyone: enter Need Introduction
Membership Card Required?
Yacht Insurance Status for Members & Applicants
Payment Method (Bank Transfer preferred)
For Bank Transfer Use SURNAME for transaction description
Amount, Date transferred - If Cash give details. i.e. Will pay at Club House on: Give date.
I declare that the details above are correct and and agree to the terms and conditions as stated in this application.
Any queries may be directed to