Graham Richardson has offered to help promote the ‘Cruising’ side of the NCYC.
The Rum race was well supported with a great turnout at the clubhouse to see Kelly present the prizes.
The website has had some issues recently with attacks on the server. Hopefully resolved. WAGS was the last official race of our sailing calendar. The Rum race 1 July is the first of the new season.
The Single Handed Results have been posted on the website.
SAGS: A big wind shift did Kirin no favours!
The Last PerCS of the series brings us closer to determining Club Champion for the season with Harbour Lights and Kirin vying for the title. Harbour Lights has the edge but Kirin still has a chance with one SAGS to go.
There was no WAGS due to the weather but SAGS brought out a good number of boats.
SAGS! Another great day on the water with the front runners dominating the results.
The WAGS was another day of mixed fortunes!
The Rum Race turned into a sprint once the wind picked up!
WAGS 31 May. Winter is on it’s way with the westerlies kicking in!
Mud Island Challenge: Full results have been posted.
Sags results for Saturday 27 May.
Suromage, Fancy That and OD looked good in the WAGS yesterday.
Will and the crew on Elan were prepared for the worst but there was enough wind to get around the course.
The crew of Freyja were back with a vengeance for the WAGS on the 17 May.
PerCS 10 Sunday 14 May. One more to go for the year and the competition is immense between the front runners.
SAGS 13 May: As always a fun day on the water.
Yacht Domain Rum Race Results for Saturday 6 May
The WAGS today was a bit of a challenge. Footloose struggled with the conditions and motored home at not much better than 2-3 knots. Many offered support but Ern is of the independent type!
1 May. The Inaugural Labour Day Sprints: 13 boats entered. The wind was on the light side but a good turn out made it a memorable day.
29 April. The wind was on the light side of 10 knots but a fine day to sail the SAGS
NON WAGS 26 April.
PerCS Sunday 23 Apr.
WAGS 19 April Results.
Easter SAGS 15 April Results.
Maybe it was a cruel April Fool’s joke that the BOM played on us today. Not all fell for it and it was a good sail in interesting conditions.
While Debbie wrought havoc on our northern neighbors, we sailed in relatively pleasant conditions on the bay. WAGS results 29 March.
A gorgeous day out for the SAGS on the 25 May. Here are the results. Rum Race next week.
WAGS results for 22 May.
PerCS Results 19 March.
Sags Results 18 March.
WAGS 15 March Results.
SAGS 11 March.
Britannia Rules!
Yacht Domain Rum Race 4 March.
WAGS 1 March
Saturday 25 Feb.
16 boats sailed in a cooler SE breeze on a port course in mostly 15 knots. Britannia the win in a tight finish with Serenity. Showdown took third place. Dream Lover was absent representing the club in the Fairway Challenge.
WAGs 22 Feb.
PerCS 19 Feb.
SAGS 18 Feb.
There was good support for the SAGS today with 17 boats sailing. The wind was NE at 18+ so a good effort all round. Fancy That the win, Tanandra second and Wind Dancer third.
WAGS 15 Feb.
Saturday 11 Feb.
Wednesday 8 Feb.
Thanks goes to Obsession, Jo De 7 and OD for coming out to sail the WAGS. Unfortunately the winds in excess of 25 knots kept many of our boats parked and we did not get the 4 required for a result. Same times next week!
Saturday 4 Feb.
There was good support for our Yacht Domain sponsored Rum race with 17 boats sailing. Rob presented the bottles to Liquid Motion, Tanandra and OD. Great to be out on the water getting a little relief from the heat.
Wednesday 1 Feb.
Wags today. 11 boats sailed in a 15 to 20 knot North Easterly. A reefed Wings made easy work of the course taking the win. Serenity second and Tanandra third.
Saturday 28 Jan.
Some people just can’t get enough sailing! 16 boats sailed the SAGS today with Britannia on a roll taking the win, OD second and Kaveinga third.
Australia Day
Wedenesday 25 Jan.
Wags today.10 to 15 from the northeast made for a pleasant day out. Great to see Andrew Mac Neill’s Farr Out joining the fleet of 13. OD in a hard fought win over Kirin with Freyja third. More of the same tomorrow with our Australia Day event.
Saturday 21 Jan
It was windy on the bay for the 8 boats that sailed the SAGS. Harbour Lights was in her element but could not catch Kirin, Fancy That or Houtman.
Wednesday 18 Jan.
Sunday 15 Jan.
Saturday 14 Jan.
Wednesday 11 Jan.
Saturday 7 Jan.
Rum Race today. We had around 20 knots. Harbour Lights had a good start time and hauled in the fleet of 12. They could not quite catch Serenity and came second. Elan was third. Back at the shed, Kelly from Yacht Domain presented the prizes before a really good crowd.
Wednesday 4 Jan.
WAGS today. Well there wasn’t any! At around 12:00 with gusts to 30 knots a quick phone around to our most ardent sailors found that caution was the name of the game. We stood by on the radio to let anyone we missed in on the picture but non ventured out. Same times for next week.
Wednesday 28 December.
Last WAGS for 2016. 13 boats sailed. Great to have a southerly element for a change giving an upwind last leg. Kaveinga the win, Piaf second and about 4 boats fighting not to take the minor placing after the race. Wings overwhelmingly lost that battle to be third.
Saturday 24 December.
17 boats sailed in our Christmas SAGS. Harbour Lights and Freyja were well ahead of the fleet. It stayed that way with Dream Lover third and Kaveinga getting fourth prize. Elan a special prize for last to finish.
Wednesday 21 December.
14 boats sailed the WAGS today. Showdown taking the win from Serica and Kirin.
Sunday 18 December.
6 boats sailed the PerCS today. With the threat of strong winds looming the course was shortened. It was a good call as the winds were closely followed by storms. Dream Lover first, OD second and Harbour Lights third.
Saturday 17 December.
15 boats sailed the SAGS today in 20 knots. Sarlise the win, Dream Lover second and Houtman third. Don’t forget next Saturday, ‘In the Spirit of Christmas SAGS’ with special prizes.
Wednesday 14 December.
12 boats sailed the WAGS today. Sarlise the win, Tanandra second and Serenity third.
Saturday 10 December.
SAGS today. 9 boats sailed with the first 3 boats to start maintaining that order at the finish. Serenity first, then Tanandra followed by Piaf. Thanks to generosity of Tanandra’s skipper Lawrie, we can look forward to ‘The Spirit of Xmas’ SAGS on 24 December where spirits will take the place of our normal prizes. As if anyone needed an incentive to sail!
Wednesday 7 December.
A port course with a northerly component is rare this time of the year. The 12 boats that sailed today were not complaining. Final placings Freyja, OD and Jo De 7.
Saturday 3 December.
The Rum race today sponsored by Yacht Domain was won by the strong wind specialist Houtman. Wind Dancer second and Jo De 7 third. 18 boats on the course. Here is a Link to photos from the Xmas Party held afterwards. Thanks Eve!
Wednesday 30 November.
WAGS today. 15 boats sailing. It has been an epic battle between Wind Dancer and Fancy That. Who prevailed? Wind Dancer the win, Fancy That second and Jo De 7 third. Well………fancy that!
Wednesday 23 November.
15 knot easterlies brought out 18 boats in the WAGS today. Piaf first, Showdown second and Freyja third.
Sunday 20 November.
PerCS 4 today. 7 boats entered. A very slow beat out to Pearl Channel but then the wind kicked in for a pleasant end to a great weekend of sailing. Kirin first, Harbour Lights second and Dream Lover third. Thanks Boat Harbour Marine.
Saturday 19 November.
Glorious conditions on the bay with 18 boats sailing in 10 knots. Harbour Lights first, Mojo second and OD third. PerCS 4 tomorrow.
Wednesday 16 November.
12 boats sailing the WAGS today. OD the win, Tanandra second and Freyja third. A comfortable 15 Knots from the NE.
Sunday 13 November.
9 boats sailed the Single Handed Race today. Results were very close with John Hynes on Mojo taking the win, John Caulfield on Jo De 7 second and Rick Morgan on Dream Lover third.
Saturday 12 November.
SAGS today. 14 boats at the start was a good number, however much stronger than forecast winds and the threat of a thunderstorm saw many withdraw. Piaf took the win, Serica second and Kirin third. Tomorrow looks better for the UK Sails Single Handed Race.
Friday 11 November.
Single Handed Handicaps for Sunday’s race have been posted.
Wednesday 9 November.
It was an exciting day out on the bay. 10 boats would you believe? Houtman, Jo De 7 and Sarlise. Gusts to 30 knots but everyone was well reefed down.
Monday 7 November.
NOR has been posted for the Single Handed Race this Sunday 13 November sponsored by Gary Saxby.
Saturday 5 November.
Our monthly Rum Race today sponsored by Yacht Domain at Scarborough Marina. 16 boats sailed with Sarlise taking first place, Serenity second and Piaf third. Congo has not been long gone. Watch out for Peter and Mandy’s new boat – coming to a race near you!
Wednesday 2 November.
A pleasant change from the northerlies with a 15-20 S.E. component presenting a port course. Easily handled by all of the 15 boats that sailed. Neville and his crew on Obsession placed first with Serenity second and Tanandra third. Another great day out!
Saturday 29 October.
We had a terrific finish to our SAGS race today. There seemed to be quite a few boats claiming the coveted 4th place. Of the 22 boats that sailed OD got there first, Kirin second and Tanandra third. R & R, one of the smallest of the fleet performed really well. Their day will come soon!
Wednesday 26 October.
WAGS today. 17 boats out. A remarkable number given the 20-25 knot winds. Ultimately it was a very good day for the big boats. Sarlise first, Houtman second and Jo De 7 third.
Saturday 22 October.
SAGS today. The north easterlies kicked in with a vengeance. Last Tango, Liquid Motion and Kaveinga opted to withdraw but still 15 boats sailed. Houtman loves these conditions and was a clear winner. Showdown clocked 11 knots to help get second and Sarlise also went well for third
Wednesday 19 October.
WAGS today. With the regatta behind us it was back to basics with Ern on Footloose taking a well deserved win. Kaveinga second and Piaf third. A fleet of 15 boats.
Tuesday 18 October.
This is a link to Dropbox where you may view and download Jess’s photos in full size.
Monday 17 October.
We have a a terrific selection of photos and video from the regatta weekend. These from Eve and Claus. You will enjoy this video that Jess has produced.
Sunday 17 October.
The 2 big winners of our regatta this weekend were Serenity and Sky. Serenity, Showdown and Harbour Lights placed in the Open Division. Sky, Nimmitabel and Wraith of Odin placed in the Scarborough Classic. The race today with 27 boats was won by Sky with Serenity second and Soothsayer third. Jess aboard the start boat Osprey has some great photos and footage of day 2 taken from her drone that will be available soon.
Saturday 16 October.
Regatta Day 1 pursuit race attracted 26 boats. Ideal conditions with Showdown, Serenity and Elan taking the rum. Today is looking like another fantastic day on the water. More Photos will be added as they become available.
Friday 14 October.
We understand that Bill is retiring and heading for Albany. No details yet.
Thursday 13 October.
Ever thought about cruising. Graham Richardson’s presentation of a recent trip to the Keppels may tempt you.
Wednesday 12 October.
WAGS Today. 14 boats sailed. Showdown capped off consecutive places. A third, a second and today a first. Kirin and Elan have also been doing well lately. Great conditions again.
Saturday 8 October.
SAGS today. 18 boats is a good number and with mostly 10-15 knots, those that competed had a lovely sail. The finish was anyone’s race right up to the end with Jo De 7 first to cross. Showdown was second and Dream Lover third.
Wednesday 5 October.
WAGS today. 14 boats out beating into a westerly again. Great fun! Serenity, Wings and Serica in Div.1 and Freyja the win in Div.2. Jessica our photographer friend from Beachmere is now a licensed drone operator. She took this photo of the fleet using a drone flying at 30 metres. I wondered why Sarlise was languishing today. Too busy preening before the camera!
Saturday 01 October.
SAGS today. The numbers were back with 17 boats out enjoying a terrific upwind leg to Caboolture River mark from DB. Great to see Showdown back just edging out Seraya to take third. Harbour Lights did everything to hold off Wings on the last leg but to no avail settling for second place.
Wednesday 28 September.
WAGS today.13 boats sailed in a pleasant 10-15 knot northeasterly. Serenity first, Jo De 7 second and Elan third. Spare a thought for Bill as he bunkers down for 50+knots (the grey stuff) tonight off the coast of South Australia. See his Journal.
Sunday 25 September.
8 Boats sailed PerCS 3 of our 11 race series. You will see from seabreeze that the wind was all over the place but that’s what made it interesting and lots of fun – for most! Harbour Lights, Dream Lover and Serica placed. Serica, OD and Harbour Lights are the current leaders but there is plenty of scope for this to change. Results
Saturday 24 September.
SAGS today. The 15 boats that sailed today were rewarded with more wind than forecast making it a very pleasant afternoon out in the bay. OD was not to be denied although Dream Lover was very close. Tanandra was third.
Wednesday 21 September.
WAGS today. 90% chance of rain kept all but 9 boats from sailing. The winds were fickle at best with only 3 boats picking their way through the lulls to finish before the cutoff at 5pm. Serica the win, Freyja second and Kirin third. Then it hosed down.
Saturday 17 September.
It was busy in the bay with 13 boats sailing the SAGS and 38 boats sailing in the Bribie Cup. Serenity, Kirin and Kaveinga in the SAGS and Seraya third out of 10 in her race at Bribie.
Friday 16 September.
The Cruising Yacht Club of Australia have posted an article on Bill’s record attempt. CYCA News.
Thursday 15 September.
Wednesday 14 September.
WAGS today. Given the wind was over 20 knots once again, 9 boats was a good turnout. Houtman has done it again with Jo De 7 closing fast but relegated to second and Freyja taking third.
Saturday 10 September.
14 boats sailed the SAGS today in 20 knots. Houtman (the big cat pictured) tends to drift around on the light days but today was their wind and they were way ahead of second placed Harbour Lights and third placed Sarlise. A few photos.
Wednesday 7 September.
WAGS today. 10 boats sailed. Great conditions with a windward leg to finish. Serenity a clear winner with Tanandra second and Sarlise third.
Monday 5 September.
What’s he doing now? For those following Bill, he is heading back to Sydney to fix a few things.
Saturday 3 September.
Yacht Domain Rum Race. 20 knot westerlies made made for a quick race with 12 boats venturing out. Dream Lover took first place with Double Black Diamond second. Piaf placed third. Saewen, joined as a visitor and was very competitive finishing toward the front of the fleet.
Wednesday 31 August.
9 boats sailed today. Piaf had a really good upwind leg but Kirin caught up on the last leg and stole Piaf’s wind and first place. Serica was third.
Tuesday 30 August.
The Saga continues….. Follow Bill Hatfield’s progress and his updates from the links on our home page. “Where Are You Bill” and “What’s been Happening.”
Saturday 27 August.
SAGS today. 12 boats sailed a port course into variable winds to 15 knots with a variable westerly component. Always interesting with many good stories of races within the race. Dream Lover tussled with Seraya taking first and Kirin third.
Where Are you Bill? Bill Hatfield left today aboard L’EAU COMMOTION a Northshore 38. We will follow his progress as we receive updates from him during his attempt to circumnavigate west about. Photos.
Wednesday 24 August.
It was a brave band of desperadoes that ventured out to sail the WAGS today. Still, 7 boats went around on a port course with every possible condition thrown at them. OD the winner with Wings second. The wind in the bay was closer to that experienced in Spitfire Channel rather than Redcliffe. Note the 150 degree change.
Sunday 21 August.
PerCS 2 today. 9 boats sailed with OD first with a beautiful new spinnaker. Serica second with a beautiful new main and Seraya third with a beautiful boat. Well done Houtman who sailed the series for the first time. More wind needed!
SAGS today. 17 boats. A good turnout given rain was forecast but fortunately did not eventuate until after the race. Obsession pipped Wings for the win with Piaf third.
Wednesday 17 August.
WAGS today. 14 boats enjoyed 12-15 knots from the SE. A good mix in the results with Mikado taking a well deserved win. Tanandra second and great to see Obsession in the placings at third.
Saturday 13 August.
SAGS today. We are normally disappointed when the met guys get it wrong! They forecast a drifter of 3 knots. We had 7 to 10. 14 boats had a pleasant day out with Bimblegumbie 2 wins from 2 starts. Amazing what a clean hull and different tactics can do! Mojo did not make it easy for Brian and his crew and eventually had to settle for second. OD went out into the middle but still managed to place third.
Wednesday 10 August.
WAGS today. 14 boats sailed. 4 in Division 2 with the win going to Seraya who just managed to haul Serica in. Division 1 winner was Double Black Diamond ahead of OD and Tanandra. Beaut conditions with up to 15 knots from the NE.
Saturday 6 August.
It was also our Presentation Night at Sea Salt & Vine. Peter Canham took out Club Champion aboard PIAF. Nick Martin was runner-up on KIRIN. Peter was also winner of the WAGS with Richard & Sue Cuerden runners-up on SARLISE. Winner of the PerCS Series was KIRIN skippered by Nick Martin with runner-up Geoff Brittingham on HARBOUR LIGHTS. Trophies complements of John & Debra Caulfield with Club Champion trophy made by Stan Cox. More photos as they come to hand.
The Yacht Domain Rum Race. The westerlies were gone and in their place a SE of up to 15 knots. Serica had a good start time and took the win comfortably with Kirin second and OD third. There were 17 boats.
Wednesday 3 August.
WAGS today. 7 boats braved those cool westerlies. Only 2 places but a milestone for Bolek and Maxine aboard Houtman. Their first time to place and even better – it was a win! Elan came in second.
Sunday 31 July.
Lady Skippers’ Race. 13 boats with perfect conditions. Every skipper received a prize thanks to our sponsors. Mojo first, Kaveinga second and Piaf third. Full results here. Some photos from Klaus
Saturday 30 July.
SAGS today. 14 boats sailed in a steady SE breeze of around 8 knots. This made for a very pleasant afternoon of sailing with many races within the race. Bimblegumbie had a great sail taking first place with a good margin. Kaveinga second and Mojo just ahead of Wings for third.
Wednesday 27 July
WAGS today. 11 boats came out expecting 10 – 15 knots from the west. The wind dropped out for the last leg from CR and only OD seemed in with a chance. It wasn’t to be so same times next Wednesday.
Saturday 23 July.
SAGS today. 27 degree day… hot winds… localised gusts to 33 knots. We had it all! Double Black Diamond first, Kirin second and Sarlise third. Obsession just out of the money for fourth. Photos of Kaveinga and Tanandra reefed down heading for home. Added to these are photos of Obsession, the happy crew aboard Double Black Diamond and various boats sailing on the day. Thanks goes to David Straton aboard D-B-Diamond.
Wednesday 20 July.
WAGs today. A pleasant relatively warm afternoon for the 10 boats that sailed. Kaveinga continued her winning form with Serica second and Piaf third.
Sunday 17 July.
Our first PerCS race for the new season. 8 boats entered with course 3 out to Pearl and back via Garnet Rock. Kaveinga flew their spinnaker on 3 legs and reaped the benefts. Kirin second and Serica third. Results. Sponsored by Boat Harbour Marine.
Saturday 16 July.
Yes! We did have 5 boats sailing in the cool wet conditions and we did get a result. Piaf was first away and stayed there for the duration taking the one and only prize. The winds were manageable at 15 to 20 knots and if you kept dry and warm it wasn’t too bad.
Wednesday 13 July.
WAGS today. 12 boats on a port course into a cool westerly. Wings first, Tanandra second and Kaveinga third. PerCS 1 this Sunday.
Saturday 9 July.
Heritage Bank SAGS. ESE at the start should have been a reach but the light breeze went ENE making the first leg hard on the wind. It was light but consistent for 19 boats that sailed including Sea Sprite joining as a visitor. Elan first, with Seraya edging out Mojo for second.
Wednesday 6 July.
Heritage Bank WAGS. We have been waiting for a decent breeze for some time and today was the day. There were gusts to 25 knots for the 10 boats that braved the chilly conditions. Elan, Piaf and Double Black Diamond placed. The Bay Boats hot chips went down a treat. How do those southerners do it?
Saturday 2 July.
21 boats sailed in the Rum Race today. With the fleet nearly stalled at DB Red it seemed that a result was nearly impossible. Perseverance paid off with Seraya taking first with a few minutes to spare. Double Black Diamond second just before the cutoff and poor Mojo missing third by 15 seconds. Kelly from Yacht Domain presented the prizes.
Wednesday 29 June.
17 boats expected a good breeze with 15 to 20 forecast. It didn’t happen! More like 6 knots with a drifter for the last leg. OD found a breeze that missed Serica and powered to the finish at 4 knots. Wings came home third. Division 2 belonged to Freyja with 4 boats entering.
Sunday 26 June.
7 boats entered our Single Handed Race. The course was shortened to 2 legs with 4-5 knots if you were lucky. After just over 4 hours had elapsed to travel 4 nm the results were: Mojo first, Serica second and Kirin third. We had the pleasure of new member Jen Tooth on Sooth Sayer join us for the start and part of the marathon first leg. A couple of photos from Claus
Saturday 25 June.
22 boats with light a westerly component. Very tricky! The best (arguably luckiest) were from across the fleet with Freyja over Serica and Piaf.
Thursday 23 June.
Here is a video where the introduction and end feature a well known boat and skipper from our fleet. Here it is. We hope you enjoy it!
Wednesday 22 June.
17 boats with mixed conditions. 13 in Division 1 with Sarlise picking through the fleet for first, Piaf second and Wings third. In Division 2, Kirin blitzed the opposition for a good win. The Single handed race is coming up this Sunday.
Sunday 19 June.
What a day. PerCS 10 with 6 boats tackling gusty winds and rain. Many rounding ups but a good day out. Seraya first, Kirin with Nick single handed as usual. (How does he do it?) Harbour Lights third.
Saturday 18 June.
22 boats out in 5 to 8 knots. An excellent turnout! It was OD’s and Serica’s weather with OD first around DB Red and Serica regaining the lead on the last leg. Kirin tried hard to challenge and managed third. Helen on Serica exorcised the demon jinx that has apparently plagued her having never been on board for a win.
Wednesday 15 June.
A gusty SSE peaking at 20 knots ended the patch of light days without results. 13 boats sailed with Sarlise a clear winner and a fast finishing Congo just edging out Piaf for second place. The Single Handed Race will now be held on the Sunday 26 June.
Saturday 11 June.
17 boats sailed in the Rum race today. Just enough wind for most to get around the course and how wonderful to get a result. Freyja for the win, with Wings holding Kirin off for a hard fought second. The Single Handed Race planned for tomorrow has been deferred to a date to be advised due to the forecast conditions.
Wednesday 8 June.
15 boats out today searching for wind. There was no luck to be had and the start times remain unchanged for next Wednesday. Rum race Saturday. Please pretty please can we have some wind! Single Handed Race Sunday.
Saturday 4 June.
A gale warning for Moreton Bay is current for today. Our planned SAGS event is therefore cancelled. Rum Race next Saturday 11 June.
Thursday 2 June.
This afternoon I received an Early Warning Network (EWN) alert for rainfall totals up to 200mm with thunder storms for the period of Saturday afternoon through to Sunday. In consultation with our Rum Race Sponsors, Yacht Domain, we have decided to move the Rum Race to Saturday 11th June. This Saturday morning 4th June we will make a decision based on the actual weather and updated forecasts as to whether the club runs a SAGS event. As many have to travel that decision will be made quite early.
Wednesday 1 June.
From SSE to ESE. From 6 to 16 knots and everything in between! You had to sail well and be in the right place. In Div 1 with 10 boats it was Freyja, Tanandra and Piaf. In Div 2 with 4 boats it was Double Black Diamond. Winter is here!
Saturday 28 May.
16 boats sailed into a westerly of 20-25 knots. It was hard work for most but not Double Black Diamond who performed very well upwind to upstage the those with one keel. Seraya put on a good show with some fine rounding ups but manage to edge out Kirin who placed third. Great to see Ulysses out and commiserations to Britannia who suffered steering problems.
Wednesday 25 May.
The forecast 9 knots just did not happen! 13 boats ventured out but none came close to a result. Same times, same place next week!
Sunday 22 May.
Well done Harbour Lights! Third in the mixed keel division of the Pearl Challenge. A good effort. Results
Saturday 21 May.
15 boats sailed. Sarlise made the most of a decent breeze to take first place, Kaveinga second and Kirin third. Please note that the NOR has been posted on the website for the Single Handed Race scheduled for 12th June.
Friday 20 May.
Harbour Lights plans to sail the Pearl Challenge tomorrow. This will be Geoff and Wolf’s first foray into Interclub RRS sailing, joining Apriori and Seraya who regularly represent our club in these kind of events. Go Harbour Lights.
Wednesday 18 May.
A drifter was forecast but 15 knots from the NE was the actual. 14 boats with 9 in div 1. Elan, Kaveinga and Sarlise placing. 5 in division 2 with Seraya taking the honours. Notable inclusions today: Farr Out sailed single-handed by Andrew MacNeill and Trevor and Lucas on Apriori taking a slight diversion on the last leg of their return from Lord Howe Is.
Sunday 15 May.
Very light winds for the 7 boats that raced today. It was a long beat out to Reef Point and with a shortened course 4 the next leg was downwind to BMF. Serica’s spinnaker hoist entertained the fleet but it was Harbour Lights with the win, Kirin second and Seraya third.
Saturday 14 May.
16 boat sailed today in light conditions with the Northshores well represented and challenging the each other and the lead. They were not good enough to beat Claus’s Kaveinga on his birthday. Freyja second and Kirin third.
Wednesday 11 May.
How good to have a different breeze. A southerly dictated a starboard course. 14 boats with Seraya taking div 2 from Freyja after an interesting upwind passage from Godwin Beach Pole. Kaveinga and Tanandra fought it out in Div 1 with both nearly letting Double Black Diamond in as they realized quite late that they were headed for the middle leads instead of the outer leads.
Saturday 7 May.
Rum SAGs with 21 boats. A glorious day with Mojo crossing just ahead of Obsession and Harbour Lights third. A hello to OD’s skipper Nick Bruijn on extended holiday in Bonaire in the southern Caribbean. Thanks to all those skippers keeping Nick’s large crew complement sailing during his absence.
Friday 6 May.
The Sunset was magnificent. 7 boats had sailed in light conditions with Serica pipping Kirin at the post. Kaveinga held on against Suromage for third. The BBQ dinner was a lot of fun with close to 50 attending. A highlight for many was the opportunity to chat with Bill Hatfield. Thanks again to: for sponsoring Cruising at Sunset.
Wednesday 4 May.
WAGS with 18 boats. Good conditions with 15 knots. Serenity, Liquid Motion & Tanandra in Div. 1 and Suromage in Div. 2. Cruising at Sunset coming up this Friday. BBQ dinner with prizes compliments of Sea Salt & Vine. .
Saturday 30 Apr.
12 boats braved the placid conditions that peaked at 7 knots. It would have been sad if all the effort was in vain but with 2 minutes to spare before the 5 pm deadline Serica crossed to take the win and the other 11 boats shared a modest correction for the next SAGS. CAS and the BBQ at the clubhouse are coming up this Friday followed by the Rum Race on Saturday.
Wednesday 27 Apr.
WAGS with 10 boats. Sky started in 25 knots. A good effort that got a little easier as the wind dropped away throughout the afternoon. It was Mikado’s day with Jo De 7 second and Houtman third.
Saturday 23 Apr.
SAGS with 11 boats sailing in good conditions with the race completed before the wind got much above 20 knots. Serenity the win, Seraya second and welcoming Britannia back into the fleet for third. Some photos of Houtman.
An update for the website has had some issues. The layout will be fixed next week when a further update will be released correcting this problem. (Fingers crossed!)
Wednesday 20 Apr.
12 boats sailed today. 8 sailed in division 1 with Piaf, Freyja and Kaveinga. 4 sailed in division 2 with Serica across first. At one stage no-one knew which division Kirin was sailing in. There was some speculation…..
Monday 18 Apr.
Bill Hatfield – Not a man to give up. The trial is over! Watch this space…. A 30 ft steely and the benefit of experience. The saga continues……..
Sunday 17 Apr.
PerCS 8 – A beautiful autumn day out to Pearl around Garnet and back to the finish. Around 10 knots. Double Black Diamond, Kirin and Dream Lover. 9 boats competing.
Saturday 16 Aug.
18 boats sailed in 10-15 knots. A pleasant day on the water with Harbour Lights ripping through the fleet for the win. Double Black Diamond taking second and an exciting finish for Congo just ahead of Kirin.
Wednesday 13 Apr.
Out of the blue we have a photographer who lives at Beachmere with a big telephoto lens who loves seeing us on the bay. Thank you Jessica! Keep the photos coming!
25 knots did not keep 14 boats from sailing. Double Black Diamond, Mikado and Serenity in Division 1. Jo De 7 in Division 2. Great turnout back at the shed!
Sunday 10 Apr.
Bill has written about his last days aboard Katherine Ann and those following his arrival in Stanley. Read more.
Saturday 9 Apr.
Another light wind day but just enough to make it interesting. Serenity had too good a lead on the last leg and Wings got past Serica for second. 19 boats enjoying the conditions.
Thursday 7 Apr.
Update on Bill. The yacht has sustained severe damage to the standing rigging and has cracks between the deck and hull. Bill has determined repairs are not feasible given the remoteness of the Falklands. (Can take 3 months to get spare parts, visa restrictions etc) He has decided to sell the yacht and fly home. We may see him soon.
Wednesday 6 Apr.
17 boats with 12 division 1 boats. Serica, Kaveinga, and Serenity. 5 in division 2 with Kirin taking the win. First day for a while with the breeze under 10 knots.
Monday 4 Apr.
He’s alive and well! Bill has made it back to the Falkland Islands and Katherine Ann is safely tied up. Read comments from this Blog.
Saturday 2 Apr.
The Rum Race attracted 23 boats. Under 10 knots at the start building slowly, favoured those starting later. Dream Lover’s win was a welcome first, with Double Black Diamond second and Freyja third. For those concerned that there is no update from Bill and Katherine Ann, it is significant that no Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons have been activated. Bill is well equipped with these devices
Wednesday 30 Mar.
A pleasant day out for 17 boats today. Serenity, Piaf and Freyja placed. We all hope that Bill is making progress and winning his battle against the elements. It seems that he is not currently able to update Katherine Ann’s position. Any news that we may receive will be passed on.
Monday 28 Mar.
On Friday, Katherine Ann suffered a knock-down during Bill’s passage west of Cape Horn. Bill has sent an update to his daughter. Windows fixed. 2 solar panels retrieved. One set giving charge in weak sunshine. Second maybe OK. Weather files low grade but good. No injuries. Health good. Used drogue in 55 Knots. 50% shredded. No phone. Will keep transmissions down.
Saturday 26 Mar.
The wind picked up nicely to give 18 boats a good sail. Piaf, Tanandra and Kirin are having a great run lately taking the prizes. Some good stories this weekend! Apriori forgetting to pack towels for their trip to Gladstone and Geoff on Harbour Lights dunking his new crew member (and not the first time) Much banter back at the Clubhouse!
Friday 25 Mar.
As usual the Brisbane to Gladstone start was not without incident. NCYC club boats to the rescue!
Wednesday 23 Mar.
17 Boats sailed today. 10 on the Standard Course with OD, Wings & Serica placing. 7 boats sailed the Extended Course with Apriori and Jo De 7 placing. A fantastic day on the water for all that sailed.
Tuesday 22 Mar.
Bill is now South West of the Horn.
Monday 21 Mar.
Bill has retreated from his first attempt at the Horn. His latest “What are you Doing” makes interesting reading.
Sunday 20 Mar.
PerCS 7 with 10 boats. A lumpy ride out to Pearl Channel but a good leg back to Garnet and along the Redcliffe foreshore. Dream Lover with a good win, Kirin second and Harbour Lights third.
Saturday 19 Mar.
A wonderful day with 23 boats. Tricky winds best handled by Dream Lover, Piaf and OD. Great to see Bimblegumbie, Sublime and Obsession out for the day.
Wednesday 16 Mar.
12 boats sailed today. Showdown, Serenity and Suromage. OD was overpowered at CR and put on a show for those nearby.
Sunday 13 Mar.
The Mud Island Challenge attracted 14 boats. Those that went out into the bay early had the best of it with a good wind-shift to the east. Div 1 around Mud – Serica, Overproof and Kirin. Div 2 to the Coffee Pots – Seraya, Dream Lover and Suromage. Results
Saturday 12 Mar.
17 boats sailed with a SE breeze on a port course. On the last leg a massive shift to the east changed the order in moments. Footloose had a good day for first, Double Black Diamond second and Freyja went from the tail-end to third.
Wednesday 9 Mar.
The 12 boats that ventured out got an early hosing with Serenity disappearing into the murk toward DB Red. Then it cleared for a brisk race with a few gusts to 20 knots. Suromage, Tanandra and Congo – a good mix to the results.
Monday 7 Mar.
The Handicaps and Start Times for the Mud Island Challenge have been posted. Note – The cut- off for 9:30 start has been changed to .7300 and marked on the sheet.
Saturday 5 Mar.
The monthly Rum Race. 16 boats with a variety of conditions. Tanandra always hard to beat took the win. Kirin was quick taking second and Piaf was a slick third. Rob from Yacht Domain at Scarborough presented the Rum.
Friday 4 Mar.
Perfect conditions for sailing to QCYC. All 7 arrived by 5.30 with around 40 for dinner. Kaveinga was just a bit too good for Kirin with Congo third. Lovely night here at the creek and back for the Rum Race tomorrow.
Wednesday 2 Mar.
18 Boats out on a magic day. Piaf, Congo and Kaveinga. For those that are not yet adventurous enough to visit our Facebook page. ‘That video‘ Thanks again Andrew!
Monday 29 Feb.
Andrew Stevenson from Double Black Diamond has produced a great video. Click on our NCYC Facebook link. You do not need to be logged in or a member.
Sunday 28 Feb.
I hope you like our updated Willy Weather widget on our webpage. The gusts are actually knots not km as shown. You can choose tide as well. If you click on the grey tab in tide you will get the actual depths. If you click on the bottom where the time is displayed you get more detailed wind information.
Saturday 27 Feb.
The current wind is trending much higher than forecast. In the interest of safety, SAGS sailing is cancelled today. See you on Wednesday.
Friday 26 Feb.
One week until Cruising at Sunset race to and dinner at QCYC. CAS Instructions have been updated with QCYC course instructions added.
Wednesday 24 Feb.
18 boats out with a popular win for Ernie on Footloose. Summer Breese second and Showdown third.
Tuesday 23 Feb.
For those that do not receive a copy of Redcliffe & Bayside Herald – here is a link that you may enjoy.
Sunday 21 Feb
PerCS 6. Wow! Serenity (28ft) came out and finished! What an effort. Apriori was skippered by first mate Lucas. Well Done! Freyja, Seraya and Kirin placed in a field of 9. Photos + video of Seraya.
Saturday 20 Feb.
19 boats out and with the heat the water was the place to be. Great conditions with Tanandra ‘The Little Master’ holding off Showdown for the win. Mojo did well taking 3rd. We welcomed Soothsayer and Jen Tooth to the fleet. Jen ‘has history’ Follow this Link.
Wednesday 17 Feb.
A building NE breeze kicked in and for the late starters this proved a winner. Seraya, Double Black Diamond and Sarlise placed. Houtman went better than expected on her first day out and was well up toward the front. Good to see Mikado out. 16 boats in pleasant conditions. Photos and Triton in action.
Saturday 13 Feb.
Not very often we get a southerly this time of the year but that dictated a starboard course. Only 7 boats with Piaf leading off and Serica in hot pursuit. The boats turned DB Red into a SSE wind of up to 30 knots which was a blessing giving a close reach to the finish instead of a beat. Serica first and Kirin second. Double Black Diamond took line honours but was establishing handicap. Outside Edge followed the fleet making it 8 on the course. Photos & video.
Wednesday 10 Feb.
The forecast was for 15-20, With gusts over 30 knots however, Deception Bay was not the place for the faint hearted. Still 15 boats went the distance. Showdown taking the win after a long drought, Sarlise second and Serenity third. Photos & Video
Saturday 6 Feb.
The Rum Race. One of those days! Not too strong – but plenty of it! 15 boats sailed with a fairly tight finish and a quick race. Overproof first, Congo second and Kirin third. Kelly from Yacht Domain at Scarborough presented the Rum. Photos
Wednesday 3 Feb.
19 Boats out. Kirin was the clear winner with Serica second. Freyja and OD battled it out for third with OD passing the post ahead, just on the wrong side. Well done Freyja! Photos taken from Jo De 7.
Saturday 30 Jan.
From 17 boats wallowing around going nowhere to a spirited race with gusts to 26 knots reported. That was after half the fleet had retired. Freyja, Wings and Harbour Lights took the honours. Double Black Diamond looked magnificent on her maiden race. Photos
Wednesday 27 Jan.
17 seems a good number. An easterly gives subtle change to the course and is fun for those that compete. Apriori had a ripper with OD second and Freyja third. Lots of Photos. The last photo shows Manitou, predecessor to Kirin loading up for relocation to Adelaide. Nick and Vicki Martin, may shed a tear! We all liked her.
Saturday 23 Jan.
17 Boats enjoyed the conditions. Kirin, Harbour Lights and newcomer Bimblegumbie placed. There was some good racing on the day with the breeze a little stronger than the 10 knots forecast. A few Photos.
Friday 22 Jan.
The Mud Island Challenge is on the calendar for Sunday 13 March. More details soon.
Wednesday 20 Jan.
As predicted, a beautiful day on the water! 19 boats competing and Loki coming out for a sail as a visitor. ‘The Master’ took Tanandra to a win with Liquid Motion second and Elan third. Only a couple of photos. (Freyja using extras to get back before the Bay Boats chips have been demolished.)
Tuesday 19/01/16
After a windy week the forecast for WAGS is looking great. See you out there.
Monday 18/01/16
Katherine Ann has reached Horta in the Azores and is southbound again. A few words from Bill.
Sunday 17/01/16
PerCS 5 Today. Another windy day with 5 boats battling it out. Sarlise, Kirin and Harbour Lights took the Boat Harbour Marine vouchers. Photo of Kirin
Saturday 16/01/16
6 boats had a bit of a workout during the SAGS race today. Congo and Overproof handled the conditions well to take the 2 placings on offer.
Harbour Lights will be NCYC Race Control for any boats considering venturing out today. Radio will be manned from 12:30.
Friday 15/01/16
For those of you that follow Bill Hatfield and Katherine Ann’s progress, he is currently battened down, close to the centre of Hurricane Alex. Scroll down the home page to see our other links to Bill. Position at midday. Alex first became a hurricane in the eastern Atlantic Ocean Thursday, making it just the second hurricane on record to form in that basin during the month of January. The last hurricane that formed in the Atlantic during January was in 1938.
Wednesday 13/01/16
15 boats out. Those that went out into the bay missed the early change from ENE to NE and the resultant lift to DB Red. The winners were Wings, Kaveinga and Congo.
Tuesday 12/01/16
Looking good for PerCS 5 this Sunday with 10 -15 SE forecast.
Saturday 9/01/16
19 boats sailed. Liquid Motion, Summer Breese and Dream Lover placed. It was a close finish. The crew of Apriori showed off their spinnaker prowess pre-race. Photos here!
Friday 8/01/16
11 Boats sailed the CAS (Cruising At Sunset). Congo, Wings and Sarlise placed. Great prizes and a fun night. Friday Night Takeaway from Bay Boats was a hit. Good to see Andrew MacNeill and Farr Out on the course.
Wednesday 06/01/16
16 boats enjoyed an unseasonal westerly. Always good fun picking the shifts. Seraya, Tanandra and Wings placed. More Photos! CAS this Friday. Please support our great sponsors Bay Boats and Saxby Sails. Gary is sponsoring 1st prize.
Saturday 02/01/16
First Rum Race for the year. 22 Boats with OD, Sarlise and Freyja Placing. A few Photos
Don’t forget Friday Night CAS 8 Jan – Fish & Chips at the clubhouse.
Wednesday 30/12/15
Last event of the year! WAGS 30 Dec 15. All reefed down. 7 boats went around with a clean sweep for the Hanses. Jo De 7 and Wind Dancer taking the prizes. See the Photos
Tuesday 29/12/15
The ‘New Look’ Calendar has been updated with Cruising At Sunset (CAS) events for 2016 published. Next CAS Friday 8 Jan. Times and venue on the website.
Wednesday 23/12/15
2015 has been a watershed year for our Club, not only with our name change to Newport Cruising Yacht Club, but also the initial steps taken to secure our own clubhouse premises at Talobilla Park. We have held many successful functions over the year due in no small part to our wonderful band of volunteers, and thanks to them our Club continues to prosper both socially and financially. As the year draws to a close, I would like to take the opportunity to remind members that as we sail under Collision Regulations it is most important that we remain familiar with the Rules. We must exercise good seamanship at all times to avoid collision regardless of which boat may have right of way. It is crucial to keep this in mind especially rounding marks, and to have a handheld radio at hand to enable good communication. In the interest of club harmony we must maintain good camaraderie by exercising courtesy and goodwill on the water.
The Spirit of Xmas SAGS on the 19th December had 23 boats sail with Suromage first, Wind Dancer second and Kirin third.